Posted by on Oct 11, 2012 in Tutorials | Comments Off on DIY Superhero Artwork

DIY Superhero Artwork

DIY Superhero Artwork

We recently moved my son from a Cars Toddler bed to a twin bed with new Avengers bedding.  He LOVES all Superheroes.  He’s constantly flying around like Superman, shooting web like Spiderman, shooting lasers like Iron Man or using his Captain America shield.  So, I decided to make him some new artwork for his room.

Previously, I made him some Cars Inspired Artwork to go with his toddler bed.  He was kind of bummed I was going to be painting over these but once he saw the new art, he forgot all about his Cars art.

Pretty self explanatory but I painted over the designs.  The black only took two coats but the yellow and red took four.

Then I created the designs on my Silhouette software.  Originally I was going to use the designs as stencils and paint on the Superhero logos BUT after it took four coats of yellow to go over the green canvas, I knew that wasn’t going to work (yellow on black for Batman – no way).  So, I just used the actual vinyl for the design.

My friend made a good point that it will be easy to re-do the designs if I ever want to.  All I’ll have to do is peel off the vinyl (considering I still want the same canvas colors).  So, very easy and he was SUPER excited to see his new artwork so that always makes projects worth it.  I have a few more plans for his room that I hope to get to in the next few weeks.

Thanks for reading.  See you soon!


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